Thailand day 5: Koh Tao

It was another amazing day today, I have not ever had better snorkeling. I am really happy I joined Alex, Max and Stephen, with antibiotics I would usually spend my day in hotel room or in a shadow on nearest beach, but because because they bought snorkeling trip around the island, I simply could not…

Thajsko den 5: Koh Tao

Dnesek byl naprosto uzasny, neni se o cem bavit, nejkrásnější snorchlovani jake jsem kdy zazil. Jsem moc rad ze jsem se pridal do spolecnosti Alexe, Maxe, a Stephena, normalne bych asi s antibiotiky odpocival na pokoji, maximalne ve stinu na plazi, ale jelikoz si koupili okružní plavbu kolem ostrova, s 5 ti zastavkami na snorchlovani,…

Thailand day 4: island Koh Tao

Here it is, what I did not want to happen the most, has actually happened. Now missing only to loose passport, credit card or phone… On the other side I am happy it has happened here, where the doctors speak English and they have good quality. I do not want to imagine what could have…

Thailand day 3: from Bangkoku to Koh Tao

Another long night is over. From 9pm to 3:30am on a bus, then motorcycle taxi, since 6am transfer to port and from 7am to 10am on ferry. Did not really sleep enough… When we were arriving to the island and saw a scenery not worse than the most beautiful puzzles, postcards or wallpapers, tiredness got…

Thajsko den 3: z Bangkoku na Koh Tao

Dalsi dlouha noc je za mnou. Od 9 do 3:30 autobus, pote moto taxi, v 6:00 odjezd do pristavu a od 7 do 10 na lodi. No moc jsem toho nenaspal… Jak jsme se blizili k ostrovu a uvideli pohled stejny, ne li lepsi, nez nejkrasnejsi puzzle, pohlednice, nebo obrazky na plochu pocitace, unava byla…