Nepal day 25: from Kathmandu to Bangkoku

In the morning I had a long walk to the airport (from tourist quarter Thamel it is about 6km), because there is no way to find from where are going buses and I did not have enough money for taxi 🙂 If it was first day in Nepal, I would have been surprised by many…

Nepal den 25: z Kathmandu do Bangkoku

Rano jsem se (nedobrovolne) prosel na letiste (z turisticke čtvrti Thamel je to cca 6 km), jelikoz najit odkud jezdi autobusy bylo nereálné a na taxi jsem nemel 🙂 Pokud by to byl prvni den v Nepalu tak me asi ledacos překvapí, treba pálení odpadku na ulici, nebo clovek žijící pod schody do banky (hned…

Nepal den 24: autobus do Kathmandu

Turisticky autobus je sice drazsi nez mistni (700npr = 180kc), ale vypada opravdu o trochu lip. Dokonce dostanete litrovou lahev vody – moje prvni „kupovana“ voda v plastové lahvi za vic nez 3 tydny v Nepalu (az tak se snazim setrit prostředí) Autobus je sice kvalitnější, cesta bohuzel zůstává ve stejnem stavu. 200km = 8…

Nepal day 24: bus to Kathmandu

Tourist bus is slightly more expensive than local bus (700 NPR = 6,5 EUR), but it looks little bit better. Moreover you get one liter of water for free – my first „bought“ water after more than 3 weeks in Nepal (I am saving environment this much) Even if the bus if better, the road is…

Nepal: day 2

Do you know what does it mean infinite bus stop? Imagine 2 km long street where bus driver just jells destination name. If somebody wants to get on the bus, need to hear this. There is not specific bus stop, you can wait anywhere along the route, you just need to be lucky and hear…