Thailand day 14: Chiang Rai

After yesterday’s experience I took  raincoat and a sweatshirt with me. Of course the only thing I needed today was sunscreen, which I left in the hostel. First I visited Wat Rong Suea Ten = Blue Temple. Except the beuty of the temple I could also admire creation of new statues and how many monks are going…

Thajsko den 14: Chiang Rai

Po vcerejsi zkusenosti jsem si nabalil plastenku (promoceny na kost) a mikinu (zima jak na motorce) Samozrejme jsem nic z toho dnes nepotreboval, jedine co by se hodilo byl opalovaci krem, ktery cekal na hostelu. Prvni zastavkou byl Wat Rong Suea Ten, neboli Blue Temple. Krome nadhery chramu jsem obdivoval i jak se vytvari nove…

Thailand day 13: Chiang Rai

So I have bike with flowers, where is the problem? It is slower than the bike i had in Koh Phangan island and it is too small that I cannot fit on it and need to sit on rear seat. On the other side routes are here much better, spped around 90 kph is not…

Thajsko den 13: Chiang Rai

Tak mam skutr s kytickama, no a co, no a co? Jede sice hur nez ten co jsem mel pujceny na ostrove Phangan, ale zato je tak maly, ze abych se na nej poskladal musim sedet na zadni sedacce. Na druhou stranu silnice jsou zde o mnoho lepsi, tudiz ani rychlost kolem 90tky neni problem…

Thailand day 12: moving to the north

Alarm at 5am, quickly dress up, backpack on, check if I did not forget anything and 5:15 ready to go. Even if in open beach the day was waking up, in the forrest there was still complete darkness. 10 minutes walk through the the forrest was without any incident and I managed to pass the…